NOTE: A member of STAFF is defined as any individual who is authorised by the NEMESIS MARTIAL ARTS AND FITNESS to Teach, Instruct, Coach or Supervise lessons, seminars, classes, courses, or otherwise unmentioned permitted activities.


  1. This code of conduct sets out the guidelines for all Instructors and Coaches, full and part time, employed or volunteers, who are engaged in the teaching or coaching of children or vulnerable groups. This includes those working with young adults, children and people with disabilities. These guidelines outline and clarify appropriate conduct and offer suggestions for good practice.
  1. For the purpose of this Policy Document the following definitions shall apply:

(1) Young person/child/minor – an individual under the legal age of consent.

  • Vulnerable person/group – an individual who has a mental capacity equal to that expected of a young person as detailed above.

NOTE: Instructors and Coaches who choose not to operate within these guidelines do so at their own risk and will no have the support of NEMESIS MARTIAL ARTS AND FITNESS

  1. A member of staff may, in exceptional circumstances, feel justified in taking a course of action which conflicts with this code, or advice given within these instructions. If possible, the person should seek approval from their supervisor, who in turn may wish to clear such a departure with the Clubs Headquarters or Administration. If a breach of this policy is deemed as essential the following actions ARE to be adhered to:
  1. NEMESIS MARTIAL ARTS AND FITNESS Child Protection Incident Report is to be completed and distributed as detailed. The information supplied is to include:
    • Who was involved?
    • Description of the incident.
    • Date, time, location.
    • What actions were taken?
    • Was permission given to breach the policy and by whom?
  1. The following are to be informed as soon as possible:
    • Headquarters/Administration.
    • Police or Social Services (Dependant upon the severity of the incident – seek advice from the Headquarters/Administration as the situation dictates).
    • Academy/Club Chief Instructor.


3 Working with young people & communities.

  1. Members of staff should be aware that on occasions their work will provide them with privileged access to the lives of the individuals with whom we work. To many, staff will be seen as significant and influential personalities.
  1. Staff must be careful not to abuse the balance of power in these relationships. They must establish and maintain clear boundaries to relationships that are understood by the individuals, or by members of the community groups with which we work. This involves ensuring that a proper professional distance is maintained in the relationship and that ‘dependency’ in particular is avoided.
  1. The responsibilities of individuals.
  1. Staff must recognise that they have a responsibility to minimise the risks to which they and the people with whom they are working are exposed. With respect to health and safety legislation staff have a legal responsibility for the safety of themselves, their colleagues and the people with whom they are working. Young people and community groups, either within their own activities or doing organised activities can be at risk of physical harm, verbal abuse, sexual abuse, emotional harm and personal injury.
  1. It is the responsibility of all staff, paid or unpaid to minimise the risk of abuse and/or harm. This responsibility may, in some circumstances, override other professional considerations such as confidentiality. For example with respect to some health and safety issues staff may need to refer to other professionals whose level of expertise is more suitable to the circumstances.


  1. A. All staff are responsibly for seeking out and making themselves familiar with appropriate policies, guidelines, procedures and regulations. If in any doubt a member of staff should ask their Headquarters, Administration, Chief Instructor or a Specialist Professional for the relevant set of procedures which affect any particular element of their work.
  1. Policies and other guidelines must be referred to in the induction provided for all new members of staff. They are available through the Clubs Headquarters or Administration. Where appropriate training should be available ion issues relating to this code, and staff are to sign as having read, understood and as having received training with respect to the code.
  1. Where there are no policies or guidelines to determine practice, staff must ensure that they are aware of the rights of young people; they need to protect themselves and the Service/Association before taking appropriate decisions and/or actions.
  1. Chief Instructors are to issue a copy of the Child Protection Policy to ALL parents or guardian of young or vulnerable people who become members.


  1. a. Martial Arts and Combat Sports are developing all the time and it is the responsibility of all staff to constantly evaluate their own working practices to keep themselves informed of developments and to improve their practise through training. Staff should take all reasonable steps to be aware of current areas of law affecting the teaching and contact with young people and vulnerable community groups. Ignorance of the law is no defence against liability.
  1. Staff must to be aware of the sensitivity associated with certain situations and the appropriate professional conduct required in order to maintain the correct professional standards. Staff are advised to contact their Headquarters, Administration or a Specialist Professional at the earliest opportunity if they feel they have compromised themselves with regard to any of the following areas, which will be dealt with in follows sections of this document:

(1) Being ‘On Duty’.

(2) Appropriate working relationships.

(3) Discussions with people with whom they work/teach.

(4) Approaches to challenging behaviour.

(5) Working with people of specific needs.

(6) Lone working.

(7) Illegal or inappropriate activities.

(8) Working with other staff.

(9) The use of alcohol or other substances.

(10) Appropriate working places.

(11) Using appropriate resources.

(12) Notes, records, files and photographs.

(13) Changes in programmes.

  1. The central point of contact within the NEMESIS MARTIAL ARTS AND FITNESS is Senior Instructor Peter Felix
  1. Only amendments made by the NEMESIS MARTIAL ARTS AND FITNESS, or current governing body President are authorised for incorporation and use. These amended policy documents will be distributed to all locations simultaneously and will replace previous documents in full.


  1. a. Staff should be aware that visiting a club/lesson/class locations or areas outside their usual working hours might automatically place them ‘on duty’. Meeting with young people or members of the community, even outside your general locality may also put members of staff in that role. Even if the member of staff does not intend this, for example on a casual contact in the street or supermarket, young people and adults will have expectations of instructors and coaches in their role.
  1. The venue may be one where the member of staff is compromised, for example in a pub where young people are drinking under age.
  1. Outside working hours wherever practical, staff must avoid work related or lengthy conversations with young people with whom they have a professional relationship.
  1. Staff should remain approachable and friendly at all times in these circumstances, but where necessary arrange an appropriate time and place to meet within normal working hours.
  1. Staff MUST withdraw from any situation where they believe that their role has been compromised.
  1. Such incidents may give rise to local comment. Staff should report any issues to their Headquarters or Administration, at the earliest opportunity, if they believe that there may be repercussions.
  1. At all times when working with members of the community the member of staff is ‘on duty’ and should be aware that they represent the Service or their Association and their actions will determine people’s opinion of their Service or Association. Particular care should be taken if visiting people’s homes.


  1. a. Staff should ensure that their relationships with members of the community are appropriate to the age and gender of the people involved. They should take care that their conduct does not give rise to comment and speculation. Attitudes, demeanour and language all require care and though, particularly when staff of either gender are dealing with adolescent young people.
  1. Staff must avoid unnecessary physical contact that may be misinterpreted by a young person, parent or observer.
  1. Such contact can include well-intentioned informal and formal gestures such as putting a hand on the shoulder or arm, which if repeated with an individual could lead to serious questions being raised. It is unwise to justify touching as a working style or as a way or relating to young people. Account should be taken of cultural differences and special needs. There may be occasions where a distressed person needs comfort or assistance that may include physical contact such as a caring parent, adult, instructor or coach would be expected to give. Staff should use their discretion in such cases to ensure that what is done is seen clearly by others with no room for misinterpretation and any contact must be clearly visible from a distance and that the contact is natural, necessary and justified. Where a member of staff has a particular concern about the need to provide this type of care and reassurance they should seek advice from their Headquarters, Administration of a Specialist Professional.
  1. Staff should be aware that some actions may be interpreted as sexual harassment or advancement.
  1. Staff must not develop a physical or sexual relationship with young people, vulnerable groups or members of the community who have been or are associated with the club/association.
  1. There is a fine line between being friendly with a young person and engaging in inappropriate behaviour. It is inappropriate to behave in such a way as to be disrespectful of the physical or emotional rights of the young person.
  1. Where physical contact is unavoidable staff must ensure maximum use of restraint and must have another adult present. No work may be undertaken in an environment where only one adult is present in the presence of young people.
  1. It is certain that due to the nature of the ‘work’ that staff will unavoidable come into contact with young people in the course of their duties. Staff should be aware of the context within which such contact should properly take place and the possibility that such contact may be misinterpreted.
  1. There may be occasions where it is necessary for staff to restrain people physically to prevent them from inflicting damage ion either themselves, others or property. In such cases only the minimum amount of force necessary is to be employed and the incident MUST be recorded i.a.w. Para 2 of this Policy document.
  1. Physical force must not be used as a punishment, or to modify behaviour, or to make a person comply with an instruction. All staff must to note that physical force, or verbal threats, may in law be regarded as assault. This may seem a contradiction and there is an extremely fine line to draw between verbal encouragement and what can be construed as assault under the law. Encouragement can be given but if a person, regardless of age or gender, is unable to continue and they indicate such then their right to stop without any undue verbal comments must be respected.
  1. Staff must not act in a manner that can be misinterpreted by young people or members of the community.
  1. Staff must be aware that how they behave and promote themselves as individuals carries messages to others. In any discussions of their personal lives, staff should take care not to condone illegal, oppressive or unsuitable behaviour. Care should be taken that dress is appropriate to the activity and that slogans on clothing or badges do not conflict with their professional role. Staff should not use language that is inappropriate or could be misinterpreted. Professional practice should exclude swearing, offensive jokes and oppressive ant-equal opportunity comments.
  1. Although staff may resist the idea, members of the community, especially children and young people, often see them as role models. Staff should not conduct themselves in their work related activities in ways that undermine public confidence in their role as a worker, or in the work of other workers.
  1. Staff must consider their personal competence in relation to their responsibilities. Staff should not allow personal or emotional difficulties to interfere with their work. If they think that there may be a case then they should seek support from their Headquarters or Administration as a matter of urgency.
  1. Should a member of staff find that they are the focus of sexual advances, comments or actions by a young person they are to inform their chief instructor immediately. In addition a written report is to be completed detailing the following and forwarded to the academy chief instructor:

(1) Name of the person involved.

(2) Details of the behaviour.

(3) Actions taken to avoid the behaviour.

(4) Persons informed.


  1. A. As with physical contact, comments by staff to people either individually or in groups can be misinterpreted. May staff have a close relationship with people and there will be occasions where conversations will cover particularly sensitive matters.
  2. Where conversations of a sensitive matter are inappropriate, staff must use their discretion to ensure that the subject is avoided or to disengage in the particular conversation at the earliest opportunity.
  1. For advice relating to the disclosure of Child Abuse refer to your Headquarters, Administration or a Specialist Professional.
  1. Staff must not make unnecessary comments to or about people that could be interpreted as having a sexual connotation.
  1. It is unacceptable for staff to encourage or introduce conversations that could be interpreted to have sexual connotation that is outside the scope of the pre-designated work/lesson/class.
  1. Staff must not use over sarcastic or disparaging comments.
  1. Members of staff must be aware of insensitive or ill-judged comments to or about members of the community or other staff. ‘Coded’ conversations are to be avoided. Professional conduct requires a positive regard for the people with whom we work.


  1. a. Practice should be based on positive approaches to behaviour management. Instructors and Coaches should always seek to encourage appropriate behaviour and to build a young person’s confidence and self-esteem. Where it is necessary to exercise authority staff should:

(1) Distinguish between serious and minor offences.

(2) Apply any rules in an unbiased manner.

(3) Avoid sanctions against groups for the activities of an individual.

(4) Focus on ringleaders.

(5) Avoid sanctions that are humiliating or degrading.

(6) Ensure exclusions are realistic, since long-term bans often simply transfer the problem elsewhere.

  1. It is important to make it clear that unacceptable behaviour will not be allowed to go unchecked. Rules of behaviour should be constructed in suck a way as to ensure that young people learn to expect, when merited, fair and consistent treatment.
  1. Where it is necessary to impose disciplinary measures, a permanent record should be made within 24hrs and the Clubs Headquarters or the Administration notified the next working day or as soon as is possible. The record should include:

(1) The name of the person that the record applies.

(2) The reason for the action.

(3) The name of the member of staff issuing the action.

(4) Full details of any physical contact with the person and any outcomes and follow-up action required.

(5) A detailed record of the incident.

  1. In Order to protect an individual from harming themselves, others, or seriously damaging property, physical restraint may be required. In such instances no more than the minimum necessary force is to be used, taking into account all circumstances. The purpose of the intervention is to restore safety and restraint should not be continued fro longer than is necessary. Physical contact and restraint should never be used in anger and staff should make every effort to avoid and injury to any person involved. They are not expected to restrain an individual if by doing so they will put themselves at significant risk. Brief periods of with-drawl away from the point of conflict to a calmer environment may be more effective for an agitated person than holding or physical restraint. In particular staff should not that:

(1) During an incident of restraint the minimum force necessary should be used and the individual should continuously be offered the opportunity to regain self-control.

(2) Restraint should never be carried out in anger.

(3) When restraining, gender, cultural differences, age and special needs should be taken into account and current First Aid guidelines should apply.

(4) Individuals should never be restrained by being tied or bound.

  1. All incidents where restrain has been necessary should be clearly recorded noting:

(1) Date and Time of the incident.

(2) Why restraint was used.

(3) How the restraint was applied.

(4) Who applied the restraint?

(5) How long was the restraint applied for?

(6) Details of witnesses present to the incident.

(7) Any marks or injuries to/on the person restrained due to the restraint used.

(8) Any follow-up action required as a result of any injuries sustained during the incident.

  1. Where a young person or member of a vulnerable group has been involved then their parent or guardian must be informed immediately of the details of the incident and why restraint was required.
  1. An individual attempting to leave a room or premises should only be physically restrained if they are to be considered to be at risk of harming themselves or others. They should not be locked in a room and should not be required to remain in a building for an unreasonable length of time without relief. If a young person is being required to wait in a room while their parent/guardian or Police attend a member of staff should remain with them taking care to ensure that they are both visible to the general public at all times, i.e. do not have a member of staff and the young person inside a room with a closed door. It is important to recognise the following:

“Any practice or measure that prevents an individual from leaving a building or room of their own free will may be deemed by a court to constitute a restriction of liberty”.

  1. Staff should never hit or strike a child or young person outside what can be considered within a ‘working environment’ and then only during a designated and structured class/lesson. The exception being when staff must use the minimum force required for self defence of themselves or others.
  1. In the interests of safety for other young people, common sense dictates that staff must have the right to establish if young people are concealing unacceptable items such as drugs or illegal weapons. If this happens staff are to follow the following guidelines for their protection and for the protection of others:

(1) When a person is suspected of concealing an unacceptable item they are not to be searched.

(2) The person should be invited to empty their pockets and bags to satisfy staff that there are no concealed unacceptable items.

(3) These actions should always take place in front of suitable witnesses.


  1. a. Staff should always be aware that they are constantly under the scrutiny of members of the community and that their actions, appearance and mannerisms will be closely watched. With this in mind all staff are to be aware of the damage that can be caused by malicious or unintentional rumours and they should distance themselves from all situations which can give rise to such rumours.
  1. Staff should avoid private lessons, classes or interviews with individual young people without taking some precautions.
  1. It is recognised that there will be occasions when confidential conversations take place. Where possible, such conversations should be conducted in an area or room with visual access or within a room with an open door.
  1. Where such a conversation cannot take place in either an open room or open area staff are advised to ensure that another adult is aware of the ‘interview’ taking place. The use of ‘engaged’ signs or ‘do not enter’ signs to ensure privacy is not to be encouraged. Whenever p [possible another person is to be present during the conversation/interview.
  1. Staff should avoid working with young people individually in private, especially at night or in a non-public place.
  1. Where this is unavoidable, the member of staff must ensure that another member of staff knows of their activities and time scale. Staff should only be alone in a class/lesson with a group of young people with the knowledge and approval of their Parents/Guardians and with their Headquarters/Administration. This should only be entered into within a structured and schedule activity and staff should not enter into this type of activity without first consulting their Headquarters/Administration.
  1. It is highly recommended that staff do not work from an individual’s home, especially if they are alone with one individual. If this is unavoidable, staff are advised to ensure that they carry some form of identification.
  1. Staff should not keep private records, files, photographs or videos of young people. All documentation held on any individual must be available to them at all times and they MUST be aware of the documentation’s existence. Should they request any documentation then it must be provided to them in full at the earliest opportunity?
  1. Staff must not offer lifts to individual young people unless it is via a pre-arranged agreement with the Parent/Guardian.


  1. a. Staff must not condone or participate in behaviour which is either illegal or would not receive official sanction, for example underage sexual activity.
  1. This does not mean that staff cannot work with individuals who partake in such activity.
  1. Should staff be required to remove any dangerous or illegal items from a person for their own safety then a written receipt must be given and unless the item is illegal every attempt should be made to return the item safely to the individuals Parent/Guardian.
  1. Under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 illegal substances must be handed over as soon as possible to the police. The same applies to illegal weapons. Other objects that are being used or may be used as offensive weapons are to be dealt with in the same way.
  1. Staff must inform their Headquarters/Administration should they be aware of a situation which could compromise their own or another’s safety.
  1. Staff do not have the right to “Privileged Information” under the law. This means that should they be required to give evidence in court they are obliged to answer all questions and cannot refuse answer any such official questioning by stating grounds of “confidentiality”.


  1. A. When working with staff from other organisations or groups they should ensure that there is a shared understanding of professional practice. Members of staff working in other establishments may need to become familiar with local guidelines and practices. Extra care should be taken where the activity provides personal access to individuals.
  1. It is the responsibility of the regular member of staff to ensure that all workers, volunteers and temporary helpers are suitable fro the activity and the needs of the group. Police clearance must be sought where appropriate this can be achieved through your Headquarters/Administration.
  1. In all cases where there is doubt regarding a member of staff’s behaviour or conduct or eligibility to work with young people or vulnerable group’s advice is to be sought immediately from your Headquarters or Administration.


  1. A. It is important to recognise that staff are often regarded as ‘role models’ and that their own actions in relation to alcohol or other substances will often be interpreted as influential behaviour. Staff are to be careful about the substances that they use, where they use them and how they use them. This is especially the case with regards to alcohol and tobacco.
  1. Members of staff should refrain from using any such substances prior to or during classes/lessons or any structured activity.


  1. A. Although the nature of the work may demand that staff work in a variety of places care should be taken not to place individuals in danger and adequate supervision must always be provided.
  1. When working with young people and vulnerable groups, ensure that classes/lessons are always in front of suitable witnesses.
  1. Staff must also be authorised by their Headquarters/Administration to work with young people and vulnerable groups. This also includes having the required insurance to participate in such activities.


  1. a. Staff must ensure that all equipment and resources are suitable for use. They must check that the equipment and resources as following:

(1) Complies with Health& Safety regulations.

(2) Language and content are suitable.

(3) Shape cannot be misinterpreted to be an inappropriate object.

(4) The item does not breach any Civil or Criminal Law.

(5) Staff are to be suitable trained for the use of all equipment, training aids and resources.

  1. Where items which are likely to be interpreted as inappropriate or of a sensitive nature, staff are to be aware that their selection may be criticised and investigated after the event. Justification for the use of all such objects, equipment and resources may be required.


  1. A. All members are to be made fully aware of any documentation that is kept regarding them and to be informed that all such documents are available to them in full upon request.
  1. No photographs or video filming is to be taken of young people or vulnerable groups without the consent of Parents/Guardians. All said media MUST be provided to the Parent/Guardian before it is used or stored for future use.


  1. Staff must ensure that all documentation is secured in an appropriate manner or location. Documentation is only to be provided to authorised personnel and to the individuals concerned. Personal is not to be communicated or disclosed to unauthorised personnel or members.


  1. This document so designed to provide good working practices to all staff regardless of experience, grade, rank to enable classes/lessons to be conducted in a manner suitable to the welfare of young people and vulnerable groups. Following of these guidelines is only the start of the process and it is the responsibility of all those concerned to highlight any misinterpretation written within and also to highlight any weaknesses of this document. Thus, enabling the Administration to provide better protection for all members of staff and for the people and groups that this is designed to serve.